Wendell Foster Campus - Where hopes and dreams become reality
“But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion, and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.”
Luke 10: 33-34
Today, Wendell Foster Campus is home to nearly 100 residents and serves thousands of children and adults as outpatients, is a leader in the field of developmental disabilities. It was the dream of Wendell & Edith Foster over 70 years ago, to care for their daughter Louise, in their home, where she could be nurtured and loved, a place where her dreams and hopes could be fulfilled. A place where she would be judged not by her disabilities but for her abilities. The Foster’s dream is a reality today.
I have had the opportunity to photograph and share the incredible stories of the residents and staff at Wendell Foster Campus for several years. It is truly a remarkable story and remains today a testament to the vision of the Fosters, the staff and many supporters who have made WFC a reality. A leader in person centered treatment that focuses on each individual the staff and families can design a treatment plan, cultural and educational activities and even integration into the community in a way that best meets the needs and desires of each patient.
I have included a few of the photos of the residents and staff. What I hope you draw from these photos is the deep and powerful connection that exists between the staff and residents. When you are able to witness this, I believe you begin to understand why WFC is such as special place. It is a story that goes beyond medical and technical advances in the care for people with disabilities. It is a story of love, dreams and hope.